Wednesday, September 5, 2007

roshan - by the sea

The various colours of the sky wilted,

And stained the grey seas beneath,

Until the seas were all the colours,

That the sky could not be.

And the colours shifted, diffusing between them,

Slowly exchanging words, and the waves jumped

Towards their gentle benefactor.

The colours then moved through the crowd,

Infecting all the little men and dogs.

They talked differently to everyone now,

Laughing with evil and crying with the sea.

And between them they seemed to see,

All that didn’t affect anybody.

But from the corners of their insatiable eyes,

They saw only beauty and skin.

They talked differently now, to everyone but the sea.

Gradual uniformity spread through them,

Until it transformed into inconceivable monotony.

Time skidded over them, and the wind slid through them.

And now they did not feel anything but the greyness of the sea.

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