Friday, August 3, 2007

roshan's complete poem


The clock beside me spoke the time,
And as if aware of its incalculable chime
I trod the ground beside the door
Rising to see, not rising to go.

Years of pathetic sins degrade
The soul and mind begin to fade
I cannot live a lie for eternity
There will be an end to pity.

Common were our nightly walks
A bird, a tree, an occasional fox
We spoke and laughed and lightly touched
Eyes and voice, divine,

I saw, love, swim between us.
It dipped, it swerved, settling for just
Waiting on my shoulder.
Do I wait, do I blurt, or do I but hold her?

Reckless were my previous passions
Untrue were my previous fashions.
Spoke to me, this, in hushed voices
My fear, one, as I weighed my choices.

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